

Track & Trace Suite for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

Enterprise Server
Plant Server
Packing Stations – Serialization & Aggregation Systems
Code inspection system
Blister inspection system
L5 Integration - Tracelink , rfxcel, Arvato and any other with EPCIS connectivity


Universal Labelling Solution

Useful for printing labels, with or without barcode & image as per your own or customer’s requirements
Easy to design and change label design.
No need of your IT team support for setup or designing label
Easy to use data from any of your Excel sheet or any other database for printing label
Can print on any of the available barcode printers.


Material Picking Systems

Kitting or Picking is a very important activity in any warehouse. This is a very useful tool for correct item and quantity picking
Available with or without Handheld Data Collection Unit
Can be used for raw material picking as per Work Order or BOM
Can be used for dispatch – as per Dispatch Order/DC or Sales Invoice
The system can also be used for complicated kits packing in projects companies having multiple cages and boxes


Warehose Management System

Web base warehouse management system useful for any warehouse
Supports Tracking of serialized items
Supports automated pick & place location-wise
Can maintain inventory across multiple warehouses
Can get item wise locations wise inventory
Can provide FIFO support for selected products